Home Solar Panels


Home solar panels  offer homeowners a variety of benefits. There are however many factors to be evaluated prior to setting up a home solar panel system.

There are two main ways that solar panels work.

  1. One way is that  solar cells that convert light energy into electricity
  2. Another way to use solar panels is by using the heat from the sun

Solar panels made up of solar cells are a little on the expensive side, but can be beneficial in the long run. The second way solar panels attract heat from the sun heating up a liquid set at a low boiling point. Once the liquid reaches the boiling point it transfers the steam using it to power a generator. This is a much more affordable, simpler and still effective process.homesolarpanels3

One of the most important aspects of installing home solar panels is the location. Meaning both the physical  location of the solar panels and your location on the globe. You do not have to live in a location that has 365 days of sunshine to benefit from home solar panels.  It may require panels to be more durable if the weather is also frequently stormy. Regardless of your location there are ways to benefit from solar panels

There are other factors that can effect how much sunlight your solar panels collect.  The tilt or angle of the panels and also determine how much sun it will collect. This may also need different in the summer than in the winter months.  It is important that the home solar panels are facing as true south as possible. The reason for this is that solar panels receive sunlight for a longer period of time when they are  facing  south.

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